Coaching to Help you Live and Lead from Overflow, Not Overwhelm

Live the life you deserve. 

Continue with the Double Win

Make a seamless transition from Business Accelerator to continue your coaching in 2024. You will retain all of the work you’ve done so far and continue to have access to a full suite of Full Focus tools! No payments are due until your current coaching contract with Full Focus comes to an end.

(This is a special offer only for current clients of the Business Accelerator program.)

man and woman sitting on chair in front of silver macbook

Three Steps to Continue Coaching

Start by choosing the number of annual coaching sessions you need, select to pay either upfront or via monthly payments, then sign your agreement to server your slot.


24 Coaching Sessions

This package includes 24 coaching sessions over 12 months. Maximize the benefit of coaching by receiving twice-a-month coaching all year round. Save $3,000 off the normal price of $18,000 by paying for the full year in advance.


20 Coaching Sessions

This package includes a total of 20 coaching sessions over 12 months. This allows you to have extra time for holidays and vacations and still maximize your coaching investment. Save $2,250 off the normal price of $15,000 by paying the full year in advance.

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