A Lake, A Latte, and my Quarterly Preview

Eight more days until the last day of Q3. One more quarter left to go!

If you want to live with "Full Focus," it's time to block out time for your Quarterly Preview. This is your chance to do two things:

  • Review Your Past Quarter
  • Plan Your Next Quarter

I just completed mine today -- sitting in my camp chair on the shores of Watauga Lake in eastern Tennessee.

Watauga Lake

Here's how I spent my Friday morning, doing my Quarterly Preview:

  • Went through all of the Wins in my Weekly Preview pages and consolidated them in the back of the planner. I then picked my Top Five for Q3
  • Reviewed the Goal Detail pages in my Q3 planner and noted my progress and completion.
  • Did an "After Action Review" -- what worked, what didn't; what to continue, what to change
  • Filled in all of the Monthly Pages in the Q4 planner. I have a lot of travel coming up and this reminded me that I need to block in my "out of the business" time now before my schedule fills up further. (Which I added as an Action on my Planner page for tomorrow.)
  • Added my Q4 goals, Goal Detail pages, Ideal Week, and Rituals to my Q4 planner so that it's ready to go on October 1

And then, I went out to celebrate with a Latte at a small local cafe not far from the lake.


I'm headed into this weekend with a clear perspective on Q4 and a plan to remain unplugged on Saturday and Sunday so that hit next week full of energy and end the quarter strong.

I encourage to find time for your Quarterly Preview so that you can do the same.

(The Quarterly Preview is a part of the Full Focus Planner)

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