Full Focus Certified Double Win Coaching

Don't Settle: You Can Win at Work and Succeed in Life!
Let's talk!

Personalized Coaching & Consulting


Insightful & Incisive Analysis


Real-world Tools & Frameworks

Win at Work and Succeed in Life

That’s what Michael Hyatt and the team at Full Focus promise is not only possible, but also achievable. Since 2018 they have helped hundreds of clients achieve the Double Win through a program called the Business Accelerator.

The Business Accelerator program is no longer available, but the Double Win still is!

David Limiero was part of Cohort 2 of the original Business Accelerator and after three years in the program as a participant, was invited to be a Business Accelerator Performance Coach. Since 2021, he has personally guided dozens of business and non-profit leaders towards the Double Win, with proven results.  

David is a Certified Full Focus Master Professional — a certification held by less than a dozen people who have not only completed the requirements to be a Certified Full Focus Planner Professional, but also have been credentialed by the Full Focus company to teach and coach on Full Focus business-related tools and frameworks. 

Full Focus Double Win Coaching is as Easy as 1-2-3

When I joined Full Focus to work with our coaching team, little did I know some of the great folks I’d meet along the way. I have had the privilege of assisting some of the brightest minds and kindest people, one of whom is David.

David coaches a large number of our clients through the Full Focus system to help them win at work and succeed in life. David does it well. Extremely well.

He has built countless relationships and provided value to so many business owners who walk through our doors. However, his relational prowess is just the tip of the iceberg. Through years of training, mastering the art of asking questions and his innate ability to TEACH, David has transformed people’s businesses and their lives.

Luke Pastina

Coaching Coordinator, Full Focus

Full Focus Planner Certified Pro


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Schedule Your First Double Win Coaching Call

24 Coaching Sessions

This package includes 24 coaching sessions over 12 months. Maximize the benefit of coaching by receiving twice-a-month coaching all year round.

Save $3,000 off the normal price of $18,000
by paying for the full year in advance.

20 Coaching Sessions

This package includes a total of 20 coaching sessions over 12 months. This allows you to have extra time for holidays and vacations and still maximize your coaching investment.

Save $2,250 off the normal price of $15,000
by paying the full year in advance.